The end of January has me reflecting...  It's been a month!  As much as I've tried to maintain a good attitude, have better eating habits, I'll be honest, it's been a struggle..  So here's to a new start.  Giving myself some grace and facing 2022 head on.  Figure we all could use some of that, so inviting you to join us!!

Do you start each new year with a resolution, a quote, a goal, a word??  In the past I have picked a word, a word that summarizes my goals for personal growth.  To be honest, the past couple of years have been a whirlwind and just keeping my feet on the ground has been my goal.  Survival! I know you can relate!  It's where we all are and have been.  As hard as we try, the storms keep coming!  

So, here we are! We made it guys!  We are survivors!  We're starting new at Stuffology: a new logo, new website and new goals!  Here's our goal with Stuffology- just be us!  Just be us, who we are and where we are!  And to help you be who you are, who you were created to be, where you are! 

So, here's your official invitation: continue this journey with us!  Just be you in 2022!

"Let us then approach God's throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need." Hebrews 4:16

To kick off and celebrate all that is NEW; We're inviting you to shop our NEW website and save!!!  Use coupon code NEW15 and save 15% off your order!!!


Ashley Luna